(on VacTruth)
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In response to this post by VacTruth, I posted two comments, which I will include below:
Post #1
Thank you VacTruth for sharing this video. Thank you to all of the previous posters who either shared their stories or shared the informative links.
I would like to share my story (in a nutshell).
My child was born during the summer of 2001. During birth, he experienced several periods of deceleration, one of which lasted for over 6-minutes. We was rushed into a room for C-section. The RN caring for us very definitely believed that a C-section should be performed, although when my obstetrician arrived, he wouldn’t perform one.
At 4-months of age, my child suffered a neurological reaction to his vaccinations (ie lethargy & much less movement in his legs). I contacted his pediatrician, who said it was a reaction to the Pertusus vaccine & advised not giving my child any further Pertusus vaccinations.
On May 22nd 2002, at 10-months of age, my child had a seizure. My child was status epilepticus & had to be placed under a medically induced coma. I was told, in a brief (> 5-minute) meeting with the neurologist (the only time that any MD at that hospital would speak with me), that my child had been a victim of SBS.
Both myself & my child’s father passed polygraph exams. My family (my father, mother, & sister) would all later pass polygraph exams as well. Everyone else who had contact with my child during the time medical staff said he was injured (my child’s father’s girlfriend, their roommate, & my child’s paternal grandparents) have continuously refused to take polygraph exams, which is still unbelievable (& scary) to me. (My child's babysitter, who had been with him 12-24 hours before the estimated time frame was also not required to take a polygraph exam, although I do not know whether or not she ever volunteered to take one.)
Despite this, the MD’s in this hospital would not speak with me. (My child’s paternal grandmother worked at that hospital; this is the only explanation I have for this behavior.) CPS would later place my child under the care of my child’s father & his girlfriend. (My child would later be emotionally abused by dad’s girlfriend, something that certainly leads me to question her.) Later, when looking at CPS records, I saw that my child’s ‘diagnosis’ had been listed as either “shaken baby syndrome or a possible re-bleed.” (“Re-bleed? What does THAT mean?”)
Because doctor’s would not speak with me, they had not known about my child’s birth (which occurred at another hospital) or his reaction to the Pertusus vaccination. Also because the doctor’s would not speak with me, I was unable to ask any questions.
No one was charged with a crime, which was unbelievably terrifying & infuriating to me at the time. When later asked, the police stated their belief that there was another explanation; they said that they had received very different stories/explanations from different doctors. (This is something I would not know, as [again] they had not spoken with me.) When I heard this, my first thought had been that the police were being lazy & didn’t want to take the time to find the perpetrator. However, with all of the questions now surrounding SBS, I now wonder.
Needless to say, I still have so many questions. Was my child injured or not? What does “re-bleed” mean? Would the decelerations at birth & reaction to the Pertusus immunization be important for an accurate diagnosis? Unfortunately, at this time, I cannot afford to pay an “expert” to examine my child’s medical records & give me an answer.
Post #2
Another fact that may be important is that my child had been ill with the flu 2-3 weeks prior to his seizures.