
Apr 30, 2015

links for April 2015

As I mentioned in June 2014, I have decided to begin sharing links via a monthly post instead of posting each video story as I discover it. (I do welcome you to visit - & follow - WACPR on Scoop It, which will include links to news articles without videos.)

'I Was Shocked': Daycare Workers Caught On Camera Brutally Beating Young Kids
April 2, 2015

Neil Bantleman, Canadian teacher, found guilty, sentenced to 10 years on Jakarta child sex charges
April 2, 2015

Woman fasting to protest CFS decision to take grandson
April 6, 2015

Florida foster mom speaking out, leaving system
April 9, 2015

Youths in care speak on struggling under current CFS system
April 10, 2015

Teacher Accused Of Locking Student With ADHD In Closet For Bad Behavior
April 16, 2015

Foster parents accused of sexually abusing children; foster father wanted by police
April 27, 2015

April 30, 2015

April 30, 2015