
Jul 31, 2014

links for July 2014

As I mentioned in June 2014, I have decided to begin sharing links via a monthly post instead of posting each video story as I discover it. (I do welcome you to visit - & follow - WACPR on Scoop It, which will include links to news articles without videos.)

July 11, 2014

July 13, 2014

July 14, 2014

July 14, 2014

July 16, 2014

July 16, 2014

July 16, 2014

July 18, 2014

July 19, 2014

July 30, 2014

July 31, 2014

Jul 26, 2014

Psychological Experts in Divorce Actions, 5th Edition

Emotionally charged issues abound in matrimonial practice, especially in custody disputes. Expert testimony can have a dramatic impact on the outcome of a case, and when matters are highly sensitive or sensational the seeming objectivity of an expert can be dispositive. To effectively reinforce or question that testimony, certain specialized knowledge is essential. Scientifically accepted standards and theories are constantly evolving. Keeping up with the data had been a challenge, but one integrated resource has made it simple.

Psychological Experts in Divorce Actions, Fifth Edition pulls all the research together into the definitive guide to understanding the role of psychological evaluations in divorce and custody actions. Focused on providing the best approach to protecting your client's interests, this work explains all the leading testing instruments,what conclusions may be drawn and how to challenge or support those conclusions. In addition to offering effective examination and cross-examination strategies, it assists you in handling the gamut of psychological factors that affect clients in divorce and custody cases.

Authors Marc J. Ackerman, Ph.D., and Andrew W. Kane, Ph.D., are licensed psychologists who have been involved in hundreds of custody cases. Drawing on their extensive experience testing parties to a divorce and treating psychological patients in the clinic and as psychological experts in the courtroom, they identify the most important psychological evaluation research used in divorce and custody decision-making and distill the information into clear terms lawyers can readily apply.They also examine vital issues including:

  • Ethics: confidentiality, privilege, duty to warn or protect (Tarasoff), sharing raw data, test integrity

  • Sexual abuse: bona fide or fabricated allegations, psychological effects of sexual abuse, profiles of abuser and abused

  • Testing: personality tests (including MMPI-2, and the new MMPI-2-RF, Rorschach,Millon,TAT); intelligence tests (Wechsler scales,Kaufman scales, Stanford Binet); custody tests (ASPECT, PCRI, PASS, BPS); and many more

  • How divorce affects familie: scustody, placement, age and gender differences, grandparents, sexual preference, psychological problems

  • Forensic Social Work: Psychosocial and Legal Issues in Diverse Practice Settings

    "Regardless of their field of practice, all social workers must understand how legal issues impact the financial, psychological, emotional, and social concerns that their clients face. Yet legal issues are rarely integrated in social work education in a meaningful and practical way. Therefore, it is imperative that social workers gain the interdisciplinary knowledge of the laws and policies that affect their client populations. ... [T]his book will allow social workers to navigate the complex social and legal issues that affect their clients."


    Jul 18, 2014

    Jul 16, 2014

    Jul 12, 2014


     I would like to share the following quote.

    "Even students of wrongful conviction might be surprised to learn that the most common contributor to wrongful convictions across all crimes represented in the Registry is perjury or false accusation, present in 55 percent of the exonerations."

    National Registry of Exonerations June Report: Record-Breaking Pace in 2014, Causal Insights
    The Wrongful Convictions Blog
    by Nancy Petro
    July 7, 2014 

    Jul 2, 2014

    Jul 1, 2014

    A second opinion on developmental disorders

    I would like to share Aditi Shankardass' TED Talk: A second opinion on developmental disorders. The description on the TED Talk web page states
    Developmental disorders in children are typically diagnosed by observing behavior, but Aditi Shankardass suggests we should be looking directly at brains. She explains how one EEG technique has revealed mistaken diagnoses and transformed children's lives.