
May 31, 2013

CPS steals your kids ... then send YOU to therapy!!!

I became aware of the following image -
"Did You Know Child Protective Services Is Corporate Owned???"
- from a post on Black Robe Regiment Pastor.

May 23, 2013

Child Protective Services employee arrested for indecent exposure

As David Spunt reports in Child Protective Services employee arrested for indecent exposure, "York County parents are demanding that a local child protection services worker [Derrick Hensley] lose his job, after he was arrested for Indecent Exposure and DWI outside a local middle school."

Did You Know Child Protective Services Is Corporate Owned?

I became aware of the following image -
"Did You Know Child Protective Services Is Corporate Owned???"
- from a post on Grandparents blog-Dedicated to Austin and Isabella.

May 21, 2013

Mother pleads for return of special needs kids

The following story does have a video that goes along with it. I was unable, however, to get the code to post here. To view the video & the news story, visit: Mother pleads for return of special needs kids.

MONTREAL - A mother in the Laurentians is pleading with provincial bureaucrats for the return of her two adopted special needs children.

The family, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, consists of four children ranging from seven to 23 years of age.

Two of the four - an 11-year-old girl and a seven-year-old boy - were adopted as newborns and have Downs Syndrome and autism.

Authorities came to their school last September and took them away, effectively ending their time with the family.

Some who know the mother, including their family doctor, share her shock.

“She's completely dedicated to these children,” said Dr. Barry Breger. “I've said many times that she's an angel sent from heaven to take care of these children. She absolutely loves these children. These are her children.”

The issue began when a former helper reported to authorities that the mother used excessive control on the kids, including having them on a dairy-free, gluten-free diet.

The family has attempted legal recourse but it’s a tough-go in the courts, according to their lawyer.

“The law provides that the department of youth protection must make a case in front of the courts, it's up to them to make the proof,” said lawyer Politimi Karounis. “What actually happens is, God forbid youth protection sets their sights on you, you are guilty until you prove your innocence.”

The mother says that the nine months without two of her four children has been painful.

Youth protection authorities from the Laurentians were not permitted to comment on the case.

The Montreal office, however, explained the rules of the procedure.

“We speak to the children, we speak to the parents, we speak to the caregivers, we speak to whoever is in that child's life who can give us information about the specific allegations,” said Madeleine Berard of Batshaw.

Meanwhile the mother, who has worked as a foster mother for 25 years and has a MA in Special Education, fears that her autistic son is deteriorating in his foster family.

“I haven't even had the chance to speak to him once on a telephone and it's been two weeks. Not once to see him or touch him or to touch his little cheek to tell him that I love him,” said the mother of her son.

May 16, 2013

11-month-old girl dies in foster home in New Jersey

In this story (11-month-old girl dies in foster home in New Jersey), Kenyatta Ealey speaks about the death of her baby, Kaniiyah Ealey, in foster care.
But it isn't just her. Vanessa Gentleman, who is a friend of the Ealey family, had a son die in foster care three years ago.

May 15, 2013

Warrant: 1 victim of former foster dad was 6-year-old boy

William Wayne Jones (aka Jake Jones), a former foster parent, has been accused of sex crimes against children. To directly quote Warrant: 1 victim of former foster dad was 6-year-old boy, "Authorities say the crimes against children took place sometime between January 2002 and May 2005. ... Jones and his wife were licensed foster parents through Rowan County DSS from November 2001 through March 2004."

May 9, 2013

Lawyer Taking On OC Child Protective Services

(This story is an update to my March 4th post.)

As Gina Silva reports in Lawyer Taking On OC Child Protective Services, attorney Brian Claypool is "taking on Orange County's child protective services ... accusing CPS of engaging in child trafficking and exposing children to sexual abuse for financial gain."

Click here for more WACPR posts on the "Lost in the System" news series.
In addition, you can click here & here 
for links directly to Fox's "Lost In the System" series.

May 8, 2013

Mother outraged after judge grants custody of daughter to registered sex offender

According to Lauren Trager, author of Mother outraged after judge grants custody of daughter to registered sex offender, Jenn Blunt has lost custody of her 10-year-old child to David Matthew DeClue, who "pleaded guilty to chaining up a young woman and sexually assaulting her." In the article, Blunt is quoted expressing her belief that DeClue only desired custody to avoid having to pay child support.

May 5, 2013

DEFENSE DAY TWO: Kelli Jacobsen's manslaughter case

According to Abby Acone in her news story
 Kelli Jacobsen's defense attorney spent the day trying to put reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors. Doubt that this little boy was killed by his nanny nearly two-years ago. Doctors blame abusive head trauma for Ryder Morrison's death. But at issue is what caused that trauma. Jacobsen has stuck to her story that Ryder fell off a small toy. Ryder's mother Tawney Johnson was called back to the stand Friday. She answered questions about details on how she cared for her child.

May 4, 2013

Calif. Parents Whose Baby Boy Was ‘Snatched’ by Police Tell Their Unbelievable Story on TheBlaze TV; Lawsuit ‘Absolutely’ Forthcoming

I have posted twice previously (on April 27, 2013 and April 30, 2013) about Anna Nikolayev and Alex Nikolayev, whose son Sammy was taken from them after they left one hospital - concerned - to seek out another medical opinion for their child.

May 3, 2013

Mom upset son's hair was cut while in foster care

As Lori Mitchell reports in Mom upset son's hair was cut while in foster care, Jessica Johnson was upset that her son's hair was cut during a short stay with foster parents. As a parent - and a person who cuts hair - she expressed disappointment that she hadn't been able to be the one to do this. Furthermore, "Johnson said she had chosen not to cut the Ryder's hair until he turns five-years-old for religious reasons." Apparently, none of this was taken into consideration.

May 2, 2013

Mother fights to change Michigan law, stop sex offender father from seeing 6-year-old daughter

In Mother fights to change Michigan law, stop sex offender father from seeing 6-year-old daughter, Steve Garagiola reports that "Amy Carns wants to stop her ex-husband Donald from getting custody and visitation of their daughter." As reported by Garagiola, Donald Carns "pled no-contest to soliciting sex from underage girls over the internet." Ironically, Amy Carns explains that "as a school principal she can protect other children from contact with sex offenders, but she legally can't shield her own daughter."